Family Services Info regarding Court Facilitated programs meant to help the court and you if your case involves child custody (decision-making authority or parenting time). Services available vary by county.
Parenting Plans The court requires parties to submit a parenting plan in any Maryland case that involves the custody of a child. Click here to learn more.
Custody Evaluations and Assessments Available in High Conflict Custody Cases. Custody & visitation-related assessments provide valuable evidence to the court in case involving disagreement over when a child spends time with each parent (called parenting time, access, or physical custody) or how major decisions about them will be made (called decision-making authority or legal custody).
Mediation – Is typically Court ordered. However, with recent changes in Maryland Law, mediation could expediate the divorce process by facilitating an agreement prior to filing your case.
High Conflict Parenting Programs – Online program to facilitate communication, effective co-parenting and child centered interactions.
Parenting Programs/Courses – Online Program for Parents
Courses for Children Coping with Divorce Online Program For Children
Family Law Court Forms – Common forms in Maryland Family Law Cases.